PSA: You Aren’t A Failure For Not Breastfeeding

Let me say it again for the people in

the back: “YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE!”

For some reason, women feel like failures for not breastfeeding. Whether it was by choice or not, it feels like a failure.

Not for me though. I feel absolutely no guilt. I tried. It didn’t work out. End of discussion.

And that reason is good enough. Any reason is good enough. Yet, time and time again you hear and see women say “I feel like such a failure”.

For what? Is your kid starving? Are they not growing, developing, thriving on formula?

Of course your kid isn’t starving! And of course they’re growing, developing, and thriving. Why wouldn’t they? Formula fed babies aren’t any different. So, what’s with the guilt?

You aren’t a failure because your child didn’t breastfeed. And it’s no one’s business why you chose to or not. Your baby is FED, and that’s all that should matter.