10 Parenting Lessons I’ve Learned That No One Told Me About

We’ve been at this parenting thing for a year and a half now. I’ve learned a few things. The hard way, of course, but you probably did too.

So here’s what I’ve learned so far:

  • My kids are awfully picky eaters for people who will fight you over a two day old Cheerio they found under the couch.

  • Eat when the kids are asleep, you won’t have to share your food that way.

  • If you brag about how well behaved your kids are being in public lately, WHILE in public, they will instantly form a riot and try to burn the place to the ground.

  • If you are in public alone and hear a child pitch a fit, you praise the Lord it’s not yours.

  • If all else fails, just sit down and cry with them. It’ll either make you feel better or they’ll stop crying because they think you’re insane. Win-win.

  • If they halfway wake up or you’re trying to move from room to room without them raising hell, don’t make eye contact. The second you lock eyes, it’s over, you’ve been busted.

  • You have to pick your battles. Those battles include the one you have with yourself on whether you want to hear screaming or Mother Goose Club for the thousandth time. Mother Goose Club will probably win, but not by a landslide.

  • If you get them used to noise early, they’ll sleep through a hurricane.

  • You can clean up anything with baby wipes.

  • Remember to laugh. The only way to make it through the craziness is to laugh until it hurts.

Check on your parents of toddlers, we are not okay!

Pregnancy Brain Doesn’t End With Pregnancy

I swear people probably think I’m an airhead.  I can’t blame them. I can be in the middle of a story and forget what I was even talking about.  I go into rooms and forget what I went in there for. My brain completely poops itself. It’s insane!

Turns out, pregnancy brain doesn’t end with pregnancy.  Somebody throw that bit of information into a parenting book.  The author probably just forgot.

I am always multi tasking, it seems.  There’s not enough time in the day. Between that, keeping everyone alive, and a general lack of sleep, some things I do just don’t make sense.

You ever put the milk in the pantry? #same

What about looking all over for your cell phone only for it to be in your back pocket?  I see you nodding your head!

Forget to shave the other leg this morning?  Been there, done that!

It happens to the best of us.  In fact, I think it’s worse after pregnancy.  Part of your memory had to be sacrificed. Rest in peace, brain cells.

So, anyway, what was I saying?

Oh yea, hug ya mama and apologize for making fun of her when she called you every sibling and pet’s name until she finally got it right.  She can’t help it, she just has a lot on her mind.

Follow me on Facebook: @mombunsandmoscato!