No Mom is an Island, Take the Help


Why do we struggle with asking for help?

There’s absolute truth to “it takes a village”. And I’m thankful for mine. I also understand that some people don’t have the support around them like I do.

It seems like I always need help from my village. And, they’re always willing to help. But, it’s still hard to ask.

When you ask for help, you feel bad because you know that everyone else is busy with their own lives. You feel guilty pulling them away from that, even though they’re more than willing.

You also feel like you should be able to do it all yourself. Everyone else seems to be able to without complaining, so why can’t you?

But no mom is an island. If you are able to reach out to someone close and ask them to do something as simple as hang out with your kid while you take a quick shower, do it! When visitors come over, do things around the house you haven’t had time to do while they visit with the baby. I’ve learned that people aren’t even there to see me anyway, it’s all about the kids! Put your visitors to work too! It’s okay to ask. More often than not, people will be more than happy to help.

Also, if someone OFFERS to help, take them up on it! A meal brought over or a few hours to take a nap is something you should absolutely accept if it’s offered. Don’t feel guilty for it! Those offering know what you’re going through and they WANT to help make your life easier. Let them!

And lastly, if you see someone who may be struggling, reach out. You may feel like you don’t have anything to offer, but sometimes just letting the person know you’re there is enough. A listening ear or an encouraging word can make a difference.